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Daniel Denipah has worked in forestry and wildland fire operations for over 30 years. He has been involved with numerous collaborations with various agencies. Prior to working for Santa Clara Mr. Denipah was employed with the Bureau of Indian affairs for 11 years involved with timber stand improvement (TSI) and on their Wildland fire crew. Currently, serves as the Forestry Department Director overseas operations related to fire management, reforestation, watershed restoration, and co-stewardship of cross-boundary landscapes.
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM Thu, May 18, 2023 Regency Ballroom
Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities for Tribal Communities
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05/18/2023 01:00 PM
05/18/2023 02:00 PM
Climate Change Preparedness Conference
Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities for Tribal Communities
Hyatt Regency Tysons Corner Center