Aaron Fuller graduated in 1996 from Howard University with a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, focusing on Environmental Engineering. In 2000, he obtained an M.Sc. in Civil Engineering from Clemson University. At the University of Stuttgart, in Stuttgart, Germany, Mr. Fuller graduated with an M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering with a considered minor in Energy Engineering. In 2007, he joined the Institute of Combustion and Power Plant Technology (IFK) at the University of Stuttgart as a scientific researcher in the Department of Firing Systems. His main activities as a researcher were the characterization and utilization of combustion residues (biomass fly ash), experimental and theoretical investigations of biomass combustion and solid recovered fuel co-combustion, empirical and theoretical investigations of pollutant formation, and investigations of operational problems (burn-out) in pulverized fuel boilers within the framework of European (EU) projects as well as industrial projects. He was a German delegate of ISO/TC 300/WG 4 for Solid Recovered Fuels- physical and mechanical Tests from 2016 to 2021. Mr. Fuller completed his dissertation examination requirements in March 2021 at the University of Stuttgart at IFK, thus, earning his doctoral degree.
Dr. Fuller works at the Department of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) in the Division of CO2 Removal and Conversion. He is part of the DOE’s HQ team for carbon dioxide removal (CDR) and conversion activities. His primary focus in CDR is biomass combustion with carbon removal and storage (BiCRS).
Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management’s Carbon Utilization Grants (UP Grants)
Section 40302 of the BIL authorizes the Carbon Conversion Program to establish a program for procuring commercial and industrial products derived from anthropogenic carbon oxides. Eligible entities are to receive grants for products derived from carbon oxides and demonstrate net reductions in lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions compared to incumbent technologies, processes, and products.Learning Objectives
- Understand the upcoming Carbon Conversion Procurement Grant Program
- Awareness of the need for carbon conversion as an approach to reaching net-zero emission goals
- Familiarization with the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management at the Department of Energy
Participant Outcomes
- Explain the upcoming Carbon Utilization Procurement Grant Program
- Identify eligible entities for receiving a procurement grant
- Describe the mission of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management